Friday 1 June 2012

Welcome on Board!!!!!

                                       Welcome to the official blog of Adeyinka Akeju

There is nothing as exciting as writing and speaking about personal development because i am a living testimony.  I have grown dramatically from someone without a purpose & vision into someone who is living her life well on track and still growing at an amazing pace.  I believe yours too can be the same and even better if you stay a little longer with me on this blog to learn the things I have learnt &  am still learning.

This blog was created with you in mind. My vision is to see every individual become who God has called them to be. I try to achieve this by motivating and inspiring people at every opportunity I get. My mission is to empower you to live up to your true potential. I believe in developing the nation one individual at a time. I am passionately interested in youths because I believe they hold the keys to the future. What they know and believe in today determines the health of any nation they occupy.

I am a personal development coach waxing stronger daily in my field. Whilst growing up, I was told everyday by my parents, guardians and even lecturers in school that I must make sure I come out with good grades if I wanted to be successful in life. While the above statement proves to be somewhat true, it was also very confusing because I felt that was all that was needed to be done to become successful and fulfilled.

It’s been 5 years since I left the university and I have come to realize that while it is good to read hard in school and get good grades, it’s not sufficient in itself to guarantee you success. There is so much more for you to know if you desire to live that life you have always imagined for yourself. I soon realized that I needed to develop myself in every way possible to become successful. Sadly these skills are not taught in the four walls of a school. All we were taught were courses and not real life subjects that we face on a daily basis. Using myself as an example, I was taught courses like foreign policy, international law amongst many others. While this was a critical knowledge for me to have as an international relations student looking forward to becoming an ambassador, it wasn’t sufficient to even get me a job, keep me in the job and make me successful. I had to learn new skills which have contributed to making me who I am today. These skills are what this blog is all about.

I plan to put my current thoughts on personal development here on this blog. Starting today, I’ll be posting regularly right here, so I hope you join me and feel free to tell others. Have a wonderful day and do visit this blog regularly because it will be filled with ideas and discoveries that will transform you totally into that person you are destined to be.

Let’s help you walk your way to the top………………

Follow me on twitter @adeyinka_akeju